
Our Commitment to Supporting Our Patients, Employees and Communities

澳门正规博彩十大排行平台, we understand that improving human health involves more than making transformative medicines. We are dedicated to supporting and advancing the comprehensive needs of patients, employees and communities – enhancing their overall well-being and ability to thrive.

Patients are at the center of all we do. Beginning with research and development of our medicines and continuing beyond approval, we 与患者社区合作 to understand their specific priorities and develop ways to provide support, including:

  • Access to our medicines through our 扩展访问 Policy
  • Patient support programs that drive product education and disease awareness, such as grocery store tours exploring low-Phe food options for those with PKU
  • 各种活动的补助金, activities and projects that educate patients and increase awareness about complex conditions
  • Support for Investigator Initiated Studies to advance scientific innovation for complex conditions
  • Additional support programs such as RARE Scholars, an annual scholarship for students living with rare conditions

Access to Our Therapies in Low- and Middle-Income Regions

As part of our commitment to expanding access to our medicines, we work to ensure that people from low- and middle-income regions have access to our medicines. Treatment for rare conditions comes with unique challenges, and the path to access varies in each region. 出于这些原因, we partner with all those involved in breaking down regional obstacles and facilitating paths to care, 包括医生, 卫生官员, 研究人员, 社会提倡, 供应商和患者本身. 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台的方法包括:

  • Reaching national pricing agreements in a number of low- and middle-income countries
  • Adjusting established agreements following major regional events such as armed conflict and natural disasters
  • Tailoring drug delivery processes to meet unique regional needs: for example, identifying ways to maintain frozen medicines in route to areas with infrastructure challenges
  • Partnering in initiatives to improve diagnostic capacity and identify those in need of treatment
  • Designing patient support programs that address specific barriers to care in individual regions

Learn more about how we support patient communities

We take on some of the toughest challenges in science and medicine to transform care for people with serious medical conditions. 成功完成这一使命, we rely on a diverse community of employees who feel empowered and safe to bring all perspectives and ideas to the table. 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台的努力 多样性、公平和包容(一些) 包括:

  • 促进 一些 通过理解, supporting and celebrating differences in race, 种族, 性别, 年龄, 宗教, disability and sexual orientation across the organization and beyond
  • 坚持 Global Code of Conduct and Business Ethics to conduct all aspects of our business in accordance with the highest standards of ethical behavior
  • Providing an open-door policy and EthicsPoint hotline that allow employees to ask questions or submit potential policy violations
  • Participating in the Western Regional Minority Supplier 发展 Council (WRMSDC) – providing access to certified minority suppliers, supplier diversity program development and more

Learn more about our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion

Supporting the communities where we live and work is central to who we are. 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台提供 资助及支援 适合各种活动, projects and events focused on patients, the scientific and medical communities, and public health initiatives in areas of interest to 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台.

With our passion for science, we also focus our philanthropic giving on 教育项目 that encour年龄 scientific training among the underserved and developing the next generation.

Learn more about how we support our communities through corporate giving initiatives

Learn more about diversity, equity and inclusion at 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台.

